
614 Conference

feb. 21-23, 2025

Columbus, OH

O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water. So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary, beholding your power and glory.
Psalm 63:1-2

Come behold our Father as we seek first His Kingdom out of reverence and awe of who He is. The 614 Conference is a three-day gathering hosted by 614 Church in Columbus, OH. We will hear from incredible speakers, we will worship with incredible artists, and we will encounter God in powerful ways!
Lincoln Theater 769 E Long St, Columbus, OH 43203
Feb. 21-23, 2025


Corey Russell’s passion is to awaken the Church across the earth to the revelation of Jesus, intimacy with Holy Spirit, and the power of prayer. He travels nationally and internationally, preaching on themes of the Knowledge of God, Intercession, and the
Forerunner Ministry. He has written 9 books, released 6 prayer albums, and is discipling many through the Nasharite School of Prayer and his online school at He is currently on the pastoral team at House Denver. He lives in Denver, Colorado, with his family.


Author, Pastor, Speaker
Ashley has a passion for church planting and bringing through strong courageous leaders, helping them walk into their preferred future. He and Nadine have served as visionary elders for the past 35yrs and believe their relevance to the church globally, is to be found in the place of prayer. They are presently serving as Executive Pastors and visionaries of New Covenant Church Bryanston, Johannesburg, South Africa.


Pastor of New Covenant Church Bryanston in South Africa
Paul Bergin was born in Melbourne, Australia, and has been serving in the ministry for over 23 years pastoring and raising disciples, including establishing a Bible College. Evident in his communication is his desire for people to seek first the Kingdom of God where a life of renewal, identity and authority in Jesus Christ can be found. Paul’s passion is to see generations witness the person and power of the Holy Spirit guided in the truth and richness of God’s word. Paul, his wife, Bonnie, and two daughters, River and Poppy, moved to the United States 7 years ago and are based in Nashville at the Belonging Co.

Paul Bergin

Pastor - The Belonging Co, Nashville TN
Esteban Shedd is one of the founders of STREETLIGHTS ministry and serves as Co-Executive and Creative Director, as well as an active Gospel Communicator. The communication of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to this generation is his passion and focus. As a Chicago native and resident, he wants to see his own city know and love Christ, but this vision goes beyond Chicago as he sees the opportunities internationally for Gospel mission through the creative arts and the proclamation of God's Word in every heart language. He is a husband to his amazing wife Iris and a father to their 4 children, as well as an active member of his local church in Chicago, IL.

Esteban Shedd

STREETLIGHTS Ministries Co-Executive & Creative Director - Based in Chicago, IL
David Swart is originally from South Africa. He and his wife Kathy moved to the USA in 2001 for a career in corporate banking. They landed in Columbus, Ohio for work with their four kids and felt the call to church plant. In 2014, 614 Church officially started in the basement of their home. They are passionate about seeing people saved and set free by the name of Jesus.

David swart

Pastor of 614 Church, Columbus Ohio
614 Worship is the worship team of 614 Church in Columbus, Ohio. Filled with musicians who are passionate about ushering in the presence of God for people to experience Jesus and be set free.

614 worship

Based in Columbus Ohio


General Adult Admission75


614 Church Servant Leader  SOLD OUT 55

Friday Day Pass   30

Saturday Day Pass    50



10:30AM // Doors Open & Leadership Luncheon Check-in Begins

11AM-2PM // Leadership Luncheon

6PM // Doors Open & Check-In Begins

7PM // Conference Session 1




8AM // Doors Open & Coffee bar available

9AM // Conference Session 2

11:30AM// Conference Session 3

Lunch Break

2-4PM // Mini Sessions

Dinner Break

6PM // Doors Open & Coffee Bar Open

7PM // Conference Session 4


9AM // Doors Open & Coffee bar available

10AM // Sunday Service

*Childcare up to kindergarten age available


For any questions regarding 614 Conference 2025 email